Compulsive Hoarding is a type of behavior characterized by acquiring and failing to throw out a large number of items that would appear to have little or no value to others, such as notes, flyers, or newspapers.
Here are the 10 things you need to know about Compulsive Hoarding:
- Compulsive hoarding affects approximately 700,000 to 1.4 million people in Australia.
- Compulsive hoarding is often considered a form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) because between 18 and 42 percent of people with OCD experience some compulsion to hoard.
- The compulsion to hoard often starts during childhood or the teen years, but doesn’t usually become severe until adulthood.
- Hoarding often runs in families and can frequently accompany other mental health disorders like depression, social anxiety, etc.
- People fall into the trap of compulsive hoarding because of reasons like: sentimental value, emotional attachment or to remember an important life event.
- Also for utility value - the item is, or could be, useful.
- And for aesthetic value - the item is considered to be attractive or beautiful.
- People who probably have problems organizing and maintaining possessions go through this disorder.
- Hoarding also increases the risk of structural damage to the building structure, a consequence of the sheer weight of the hoarded items.
- Compulsive hoarders rarely recognize their problem. And it isn’t something that should be taken lightly; it should be taken care of, as soon as possible.
Visit us on to help you out with our professional services for compulsive hoarding problems.