Thursday 29 January 2015

Need help with a suicide clean up?

One should never have to face the distress that comes when a loved one commits suicide, but it’s even worse when one has to clean up after such a shattering incident. The emotional stress for the family, friends or colleagues of the victim makes the job of suicide clean-up better suited for a certified bio-hazard cleaning technician.

Working with the most advanced apparatus and techniques, the Bio-Cleanse team of trained & licensed professionals will thoroughly clean the scene and leave it completely disinfected.

A trauma or suicide clean-up team also keeps everyone safe from potential infections or blood-borne illnesses. They perform their tasks promptly and skillfully and save our loved ones from dealing with added stress.

Our Suicide Clean-up services include: 
  • 24-Hour emergency service 
  • Cleaning & disinfection of all areas 
  • Disposal of bio-hazardous materials 
  • Odour removal and air filtration 
  • Property restoration 

We provide 24-hour emergency service for suicide clean-up. Contact us at 042 741 1789 or visit us at

Friday 23 January 2015

5 quick tips for a compulsive hoarder


A very basic description of a compulsive hoarder is someone unable to dispose of excess or unused things to the point where their belongings are clogging their living space.

Making a cup of tea, working in an office or sleeping in their own bed becomes impossible because the spaces designed for living in have become storehouses.

Here are some basic tips for a compulsive hoarder:

  • If you have a gift for someone, give it to them in a timely manner.
  • Don't buy stuff to make up for your feelings. The disorder never goes away, so when you make a purchase, think about it you really need it or will use it.
  •  You are not the only one that this disorder affects. This disorder affects millions of people. You are not alone. It is best to ask for help, as this is a very difficult and stressful thing to do. It will take time, so do not give up if you can’t do a lot in one day.
  • Make sure you are not stressed when you tackle the clutter. Stay relaxed. Starting early in the morning is the best time to start a project like clutter control, after you wake up refreshed.
  • This is very emotional, stressful, and difficult to deal with. Challenge yourself to do more than you think you can, but do not work yourself to the point that you are unwilling to work with your disorder and other people who are trying to help you.

Hope these few points will help you to have a better and organized life in the future!

Contact us at Bio Cleanse to deal with hoarding management: Visit our site for more info or just call us on 042 741 1789 for a free quote.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Guidelines for water damage

Water damage can strike in the form of natural disasters like floods, cyclones, hurricanes or as a result of human activities like fire fighting, broken water pipes, leakages, accidents, vandalism, etc.

Damage to property, interruption to the business affecting individuals, businesses, and insurance sectors is immense. It is crucial to restore the damaged material as early as possible to avoid high replacement costs. 

What do we need to focus on after a water emergency? 

  • Identifying all affected materials & hidden pockets of water. 
  • Thorough cleaning & drying of water damage affected areas & items. 
  • Removal & safe disposal of damaged/dangerous items. 
  • Quick response service. 
  • Thorough cleaning & drying of items like upholstered furniture, carpets, rugs, etc. 
  • Minimize possibility of secondary damage. 
  • Minimize potential microbial growth. 
  • Property restoration. 
The cleaning process includes locating, identifying, containing, removing and properly disposing of unwanted substances from an environment or material. An area is considered ‘clean’ when contaminants, pollutants and undesired substances have been removed from an environment or surface, thereby reducing damage or harm to human health or materials.

When is a building considered to be dry?
  • The internal conditions are the same or better than normal room conditions.
  • The moisture on and in building materials themselves will not support active growth of mould and mildew.
  • The building materials and contents will finish returning to normal room conditions by themselves, without suffering further damage.
  • Sanitation and odour control also needs to be looked after and brought back to normal conditions.
Visit for immediate professional services on any water damage restoration cases.

Friday 16 January 2015

Cleaning of Meth Labs

We at Bio Cleanse Pty Ltd are professionally trained & certified Meth lab clean-up technicians, trained to thoroughly decontaminate and remediate all types of Meth Lab locations in Goulburn, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra areas.

The production of Methamphetamine or Meth as well as its ingredients can cause severe lung and eye damage, chemical burns, tissue irritation and even death. It also poses the risk for fire or explosion. Childhood exposure to Meth lab chemicals can result in damage to kidneys, liver or spleen, and incur violent behavior.

Chemicals utilized in the “cooking” of Meth and dangerous chemical vapours and residue formed during the preparation process can contaminate not just the structure, but the Gyprock, A/C, carpet, heat system , plumbing well, furniture, upholstery, septic and yard.

We handle everything associated with the meth lab cleaning, including disposal of the hazardous materials. We also conduct post sampling to determine and certify that the meth lab site is now decontaminated to a level within all regulatory requirements.

Bear in mind, you can’t handle a meth lab clean-up on your own. From the heath perspective, a meth lab is simply one of the most hazardous places you could pace into. You’ll need an experienced meth lab clean-up and decontamination professional to ensure the procedure is done right.

To ensure a free clean zone, call us at Bio Cleanse Pty Ltd at 042 741 1789. We service Goulburn, Sydney and Canberra areas as well as the surrounding suburbs.

Give us a call to discuss your Methamphetamine contamination risks and training requirements to ensure a better living.

Visit us on or call us on 042 741 1789 for a free quote.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

How to get rid of bad odour?

Urine stains are one of a pet owner's biggest headaches, particularly cat urine which has a singularly unpleasant smell and can seem to linger forever, if not treated quickly. Whatever you do, never use an ammonia-based cleaner on a urine stain caused by a pet. as the smell will attract the animal back to that spot.

If the urine stain is fresh, you can usually treat it by just rinsing it thoroughly in cold water and then washing it as normal using a biological laundry detergent if possible (same as for vomit).

If the stain is older and dried, you will need to soak the garment overnight in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide and water and then wash as mentioned above.

Carpets are a little more difficult, in that they cannot be soaked. However, you can treat the area immediately with soda water, which should minimize the staining. Once the excess urine has been blotted up, sponge the stain with salty water and then rinse and blot dry.

Again, sprinkling bicarbonate soda onto the stain and leaving for a while before vacuuming should combat any lingering odours.

Note that urine spraying in cats is a serious problem and aside from tackling the immediate stain, you will need to consult an animal behaviourist, and perhaps treat your cat with some pheromone therapy, else you will be fighting a losing battle with cat urine and odour.

For any other serious odours, a professional service like Bio Cleanse Pty Ltd is needed to take care of stubborn odours in a professional and specialized manner.

Visit us on / or contact us on 042 741 1789 for professional help.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Biohazard Cleanup and Restoration

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. A failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. Bio Cleanse professionals are trained to safely clean and remove biohazardous substances and dispose them properly in accordance with health regulations.

Equipped with the necessary safety apparatus and cleaning products, Bio Cleanse professionals are here to help transform any unsafe environments back into clean, safe homes and offices.

The decontamination of a home or business due to trauma, sewage backups, chemical spills, hoarding, or other biohazards can be both dangerous and emotional. Specialized training and experience is a key when choosing a cleanup company to resolve these circumstances.

Biohazard emergencies don’t always happen during regular business hours, and that’s why we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can expect an immediate response at any time, day or night. 

We believe in timeliness and customer satisfaction and have a very dedicated team to carry out work as desired by our clients. 

We provide our professional services in all the biohazard cleaning fields, like cleaning of Assault Scenes, Homicide clean-ups, Suicide clean-up, Unattended Death Scene clean-up, Cell Cleaning, Crime Scene Cleaning, Industrial Accidents, Squalor Clean-up, Odour Removal and Neutralization, Hoarder Clean-up, Meth Lab Cleaning and so on.

Contact us at Bio Cleanse Pty Ltd on 042 741 1789 or visit for a free quote.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

What happens after a fire accident?

You may be anxious to clean your home after a fire, but unless you take the time to get professional advice, you may be wasting your efforts or creating further damage. Contact a professional service immediately once the fire is out. They can provide advice on restoration or replacement of damaged items. 

Why there is a need to hire a professional fire restorer? Fire restorers can prevent further damages, help determine which items can or cannot be refurbished, provide estimates and services for thoroughly cleaning and deodorizing your home. Professional services at times can be expensive, but the cost may be substantially less than the cost of replacing damaged furnishings and floors. 

Preventing Further Damage

Before hiring a professional fire restorer to do the big tasks, you can minimize further damage by following these guidelines. Before starting with the tasks you need to be sure that its safe enough to re-enter your home, ask for expert advice. Get the air moving. Open windows to ventilate areas. Install a fan to circulate  air. 

Note: If there has been substantial water damage and the weather is warm, you will probably need to keep the windows shut and run a dehumidifier. In cold weather, your heating system is operating and the cold air will usually help remove the moisture.

Dry wet items as soon as possible. Use fans and dehumidifiers to dry carpets and draperies. If not thoroughly dried, carpets and floors underneath may be quickly damaged beyond repair by mould and mildew.

Remove brass and copper items and clean them using brass or copper cleaner. Place aluminum foil or plastic food wrap under furniture legs. Remove oriental rugs or other colored rugs from wet wall-to-wall carpeting. Cover dry, clean items with plastic while repairs are in progress.

Contact us at Bio Cleanse Pty Ltd on 042 741 1789 or visit for a free quote.