Showing posts with label cleanup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleanup. Show all posts

Thursday 22 March 2018

The long-term effects of Water Damage

Whether caused by a flooding or a simple leak in the roof, water damage can have catastrophic consequences on your home. While destroying your property, your furniture, electronics, it goes so far as to put your health at serious risk. Not to mention the damage it does to the resale value of your home.

Heavy rain, quick melting of snow, flash floods increase the possibility of water damage, made worse if your home lacks adequate waterproofing. Causes for water damage can range from a flood to a broken pipe, a sewer backup, broken fixtures, plumbing leaks, foundation cracks, clogged toilets, 
overflowing washing machines, 
faulty drainage systems, etc.

Water damage tends to start out unseen. The first and most critical step to fixing it is detecting it. It is important to have it remediated as soon as possible to prevent it from causing problems some of which are listed below.

Discoloration and Sagging

The unmistakable sign of a leak is discoloration of the ceiling, the beams roofing underlayment or of the walls. This can be considered the most minimal long-term water damage. When water accumulates in one spot resulting in a sudden bulge or change in the ceiling or walls, it causes the structure to ‘sag’.

Structural Damage

When a leak occurs, water seeps into drywall and gets absorbed. It causes the material to warp, chip or swell. If not treated quickly enough, it poses danger to the home’s structure.
  • Constant exposure to water can result in the growth of fungi or mould, which then rots the structural wood. A worst case scenario is when the area at risk is an important structure of the house, like a support beam. It is of paramount importance to fix the leak and repair the damage. If ignored, it might just bring your roof down. 
  • Concrete is more durable than wood. But, in cases such as flood damage, the accumulation of moisture in cracks and crevices can cause a host of problems including corrosion of steel inside the concrete structure.
  • Water damage can also affect electrical wiring, the electrical circuit box, and electrical equipment in the house. This could risk the occurrence of power breakdowns at the least, and in worse situations, electrical burns and electrocution. 

Mildew and Mould 

One of the most common consequences of water damage is the growth and spread of mould in the house. Moisture trapped in a confined space quickly invites these microscopic fungi which destroy everything they touch and then continue to spread to other areas. Mould can potentially weaken the framework where a leak is located, thereby weakening the foundation of your home.

Health Risks

Mould produces spores, which when come into contact with water, proliferate, and begin to pollute the air. This poses a serious health risk. From aggravating allergy and asthma symptoms, from causing breathing difficulties, to respiratory diseases, mould affects children, the elderly and people whose immune systems have already been compromised.

As soon as a residence or any structure has been compromised by water damage, immediate cleanup and remediation is very important. If it is extensive, and you attempt to treat it yourself, you may not manage 100% damage control. In time, the lingering effects of the damage may come back to haunt your home and family. Your safest move would be to call in the professionals. Bio Cleanse Services is all equipped to help you in your toughest times. Call us on 0412 547 547 or visit our website to know more.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Keeping the Toilet and Bathroom Clean

Toilet and Bathroom

Did you know that the toilet is one of the high-humidity areas in the house? Due to the amount of water in the cistern, it is prone to germs breeding there.

Bacteria can be found in the toilet bowl, on the floor, in the flush and even on the door handle. It is important to know that every time you flush the toilet, bacteria is projected up to 1.5m high into the air and covers all the surrounding surfaces. Bacteria can even land on your toothbrush if your toilet is in the bathroom.

Types of bacteria found in the toilet/bathroom
Microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, & pathogens on bathroom surfaces can survive for up to a week or more. Some of the bacteria commonly found in the toilet are listed below :
•    Gastrointestinal viruses that like Norovirus cause stomach ailments in humans and are easily transmitted.
•    Enteric pathogens, are organisms usually spread by contaminated foods but are also carried in faeces.  E. coli, salmonella, shigella, and campylobacter are some examples of these pathogens. An infected person can suffer severe diarrhoea with bloody stools.
•    Skin and respiratory organisms include the staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria. They also include the antibiotic-resistant MRSA strain, and Group A Strep, also known as ‘flesh-eating’ bacteria.
•    Dermatophitic fungi causes infections like athlete's foot which is transmitted by walking barefoot in the bathroom.
•    Residual fungi like mould and mildew that can grow in shower areas don't usually cause infection. However, it can aggravate illnesses like asthma and allergies.

Keeping a toilet and bathroom clean as well as practicing good hygiene helps in lowering the risk of infections and preventing illness affecting the aging and unhealthy individuals.

Here are some useful tips and advice to help you maintain a clean toilet and bathroom.
•    A clean bathroom requires daily wiping of surfaces and weekly deep cleaning.
•    Use cleaning products specifically designed for toilet/bathroom.
•    Direct contact areas like the flush and taps as they are breeding grounds for bacteria should be cleaned with extra care.
•    Clean the toilet brush properly.
•    In order to reduce the spread of bacteria in the room, flush the toilet with the toilet lid down.
•    Preferably use a push-pump soap dispenser which doesn't allow bacteria to collect. Wash hands thoroughly every time you use the toilet.
•    Ensure the ventilation system is working and air the toilet to reduce the level of humidity.

Are you faced with a messy and dirty toilet and bathroom, and are in need of a professional cleanup? Bio Cleanse Services has trained, qualified and specialized cleaning technicians.  We ensure a thorough cleaning & decontamination of all affected areas.
Call us now on 0412 547 547 for Sydney, Canberra, Goulburn and NSW areas.
Visit to know more.

Friday 3 February 2017

How to safeguard your home from water leakage

A common scenario in most television ads is when you return home from office and find your house flooded with water due to some leakage of pipes, toilets, showers, sinks and so on.   
water damage
Here are some tips on how you can prevent this from happening.
  • Examine your hoses and faucet regularly: Replacement of hoses every five to ten years is a must. Before leaving the house, inspect all items which are connected to the hose, look for leaks, if any - replace it immediately.
  • Water heater problems: An old water heater can cause problems if not replaced before end of life expectancy. To avoid damage from leaking water heaters, install a recovery plate under the new one.
  • Find the main water supply and close it: To stop overflowing water, the best way is to turn off the main supply. For an unexpected water burst at your home or office, this is the ideal way to prevent the problem as it will stop the flow of water.
  • Prevent freezing of pipes: When pipes freeze, the water inside it expands. Any such pipes or hoses must be disconnected and all the water should be drained and the pipes or hoses must be stored properly; else it will tend to freeze again. You can also install a freeze proof faucet.
  • Buy a water flow monitoring system: If you want to know how to use your water and where it all goes and If you want to detect any leaks, this is the best way to do it. A Water Flow Monitoring system helps you monitor you water system by alerting you, if there are any leaks or spikes in the irrigation system. It will inform in real time but this is totally dependent on the type of water flow monitoring system you use.
At Bio Cleanse, we restore your home in case of any water damage emergency. We clean, dry your home back to normal, providing you with quality services and highly experienced professionals offering you the best.

Contact us at – 042 741 1789 for water damage restoration or check out our services at