Showing posts with label murder scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murder scene. Show all posts

Thursday 13 July 2017

The damage behind crime scene cleaning

What would you do if you entered a room full of blood? There is blood on the walls, bloody fingerprint on the doorknob and there is a pool of blood twice the size of the body. So much blood across the floor, it seeps through the cracks. Not to forget the foul smell that lingers in the room because of the death.

Everyone knows that the police nor the forensic who investigate the crime scene, do not clean up the area. It’s up to the professionals to take up the tedious task of cleaning the place up.
But why hire professionals cleaning company?
When there is a violent crime or a suicide that takes place, biological waste gets produced such as blood or bloodily fluids. Handling biological products can be a risky task, as there is a risk of coming in contact with HIV or Hepatitis. Hence, it is very important to hire a professional cleaning company to do the task. Crime scene cleaning usually involves the cleaning of blood, blood fluids and decontamination.
Bio Cleanse Services can clean and restore your property to perfection, right from decontamination to odours and from forensic chemicals to residues. We take up the specific task even after a crime scene investigation. To know more about the crime scene cleaning service that we provide, visit our website: and get in touch with us.

Friday 7 July 2017

How To Remove Wet Blood Stains

In a home with kids and pets playing around, getting a bruised or a cut is likely to occur. Blood stains get much harder to get rid of once the blood has dried. It is advisable to act upon a wet blood stain as soon as possible. 

Here is a list of things that you can do…

A towel or a clean white cloth can help you get rid of that big red stain. Use the cloth and press the stain, let the cloth absorb as much of blood as possible. Make sure to never rub the stain if you do this you will stain your carpet even more.

Next, you take some water, spray it on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Avoid using warm/hot water as this could worsen the stain. Also remember to use a little amount, as using an excess of water can spread the stain and damage your beautiful carpet.

Once the above step is completed, use a dry towel to absorb all the moisture. Continuously wet and blot dry til the stain has left. We recommend using a white towel to see things distinctly. You can also use tools like wet vac or a handheld carpet extractor to fasten the process.

If the stain still hasn’t left, you can grab a small amount of salt, add it to water, mix it well till it forms a thin layered paste. Add the same onto the stain and leave it to sit for a few minutes. Now go back to blotting and drying with a clean towel. Repeat this, till you notice the stain has lightened. Do not forget to vacuum the carpet once it dries or else the salt will eat into your carpet.

Now take about 5-10ml of liquid dishwashing soap, add it to water. After stirring, soak a clean towel in the solution and apply it to the stained portion. Spray a little water and then blot dry. Refrain from using a detergent that contains bleach or lanolin.

Next, place the carpet under the fan to speed up the drying process. Once this is done, vacuum the carpet entirely, and there you have your fresh, clean, and dry carpet ready for use!

Thursday 15 June 2017

Trauma cleaning scenario

Crime scene
When a loved one commits suicide or is a victim of a violent crime, the scene left behind might be too painful or traumatic for family and friends of the loved one. One of the most distressing parts of a crime scene, suicide or accident is the need to make the area safe for living. It is due to such incidents or serious accidents, that a delicate situation which leads to trauma and how to handle the situation with regards to property and public places.

Most property owner’s lack the knowledge and equipment in regards to a safe and permanent clean-up when decontaminating the scene. Cleaning the place would be psychologically difficult for most individuals including family members and friends if they don’t have the skill to decontaminate and clean the blood-borne diseases that might occur. It is very natural to call and inform the police and crime scene investigators. But what about the mess left behind after the evidence is collected?

It is essential to call trained, professional and experienced specialists, who have dealt with such cases. Bio Cleanse Services provides trauma cleaning service with the assurance to restore the contaminated property to its original condition. Call us 0412 547 547 or 042 741 1789 or visit

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Murder Clean-up

Murder is a very unpleasant and depressing situation to face for any family member or relative related to the deceased. People who go through these situations are in no position to accept the fact that their close one is no more: leave alone the removal of the dead body and cleaning up the murder scene.

Murder clean-up is obviously a traumatic and unwelcome task that only professionals like us at Bio Cleanse Pty. Ltd. can undertake. The need is not only to clean affected areas and the corpse, but also to help grieving families.

In these cases, most people have been killed in a very violent and tragic way. Murder cleaning needs a lot of professionalism as the bio-technicians involved in the cleanup needs to be certified, physically fit, and psychologically stable.

We the professionals at Bio Cleanse Pty. Ltd. are trained and certified technicians who are experienced in the field of murder clean ups, may it be the cleaning of blood or the corpse. However bloody or disgusting might be the sight of the murder, we are the service that you need to contact. 

We help in keeping your family, house and surroundings clean and away from any health hazard by helping you in the time of distress and sadness that most grieving families go through at the time of death of their loved ones. We keep our pride in our professionalism, timeliness and dedication. 

Contact us at 042 741 1789 or visit us at for more info on murder cleanups.